There are a lot of reasons you may want to become an insurance agent. Maybe you like the idea of being your own boss, managing your own schedule and taking charge of your own income. Still, making a change is a big decision, and you’ll want to put plenty of thought into it.
If you're considering a new opportunity for the new year, these are some of the prospective insurance agent tools that can help you make an informed decision.
1. Blog Posts That Give You the Behind-the-Scenes Details
Our deep archive of insurance resources and blog posts designed for potential agents offers specifics about concerns you might have, like:
Spending some time reading through these posts can help you feel more comfortable with what to expect if you decide to pursue the insurance agent opportunity further. You can even focus on certain topics like getting started, education, building your business and more for in-depth looks at specific resources for insurance agents.
2. Real-Life Stories From People Who Have Made the Switch
One of the best ways to find out what it’s like to become an insurance agent is to learn from someone who’s done it. On our blog, we feature Q&As with agents who moved into insurance sales from industries like teaching, the military and banking. We have agents from dozens of different backgrounds, so you’re likely to find someone who has a background like yours.
Of course, if you know another Farm Bureau agent, you can talk to them about the rewards and challenges of their role and discuss what they think about your potential as an insurance agent.
3. Video Resources That Outline the Agent Experience
Our videos help you learn first-hand from our team what it’s like to be a Farm Bureau insurance agent. Check out our content on opportunities, independence and impact and the process of becoming an agent.
4. Conversations With Your District Manager
If you become a Farm Bureau agent, your district manager will be your go-to person, mentor and coach. They’ll be your main point of support. They’ll want you to succeed, and they know what it takes to help you get there!
Reach out, ask your questions and share your concerns. You’ll get unsurpassed insight from this Farm Bureau insider.
5. A Review of Your Numbers and Goals With Your Financial Advisor
You may be able to test the waters as an insurance agent without leaving your current job. Still, a job change can affect your finances. It’s a good idea to sit down with your financial advisor and run the numbers so you know what to expect.
6. Honest Input From Your Partner and Family
Your job change affects your loved ones, so you’ll want to ask them what they think. Share your research with them. They know you best, so armed with that information, they can help you spot opportunities or challenges you might have missed.
Is Working as an Insurance Agent Right for You?
If you’re open to becoming an insurance agent, we’re open to explaining it to you in more detail. We’re prepared to answer all of your questions and concerns so you can decide if this change is right for you. Get in touch and learn about the impact you can make on your life, family and community as an agent.