5 Ways Insurance Agents Find Clients

September 05, 2024

If you’re thinking of becoming an insurance agent, you might be worried about how you would find clients. After all, growing your business is crucial to your success. The good news is, there are a lot of strategies that help you connect with potential clients. Here are five ways you can do it. 

1. Talking With Family and Friends

When you start your new role as an insurance agent, you’ll want to share the good news with your family and friends. Be sure to ask them for their business as well. They are the people who know you best, so you have their trust. It can boost your business — and your confidence as a new agent — to take care of their insurance needs. 

2. Promoting Through Word of Mouth

Your satisfied clients are your best advertisements, so be sure to ask them for  referrals. They can share your name with people they know and point out how happy they are with your service. It’s also important to stay up to date with your client/members. teenager who was just added to a parent’s auto insurance policy may need a policy of their own, such as renters’ insurance, in a few years. 

3. Making Community Connections

Building your network means your name and business come to mind when people need insurance. Join local clubs, volunteer at your child’s school or area events, attend networking meetings and be a presence in your community.

If you have the space, consider offering a conference room or similar workspace to local book clubs, nonprofit boards, small business owners or other groups that need a place to meet. That will help put you front and center in their minds if they need insurance. 

4. Advertising

You can get your name in front of many potential clients when you advertise. You may want to sponsor a child’s sports team, support a 5K road race or offer a prize as part of a community event like an arts walk or a holiday stroll. You’ll have a name, email address and phone number for every person who enters your drawing. 

5. Using Online Opportunities

As an agent, that in-real-life connection is what is going to forge your relationships with your client/members. But everyone is online these days, and you can position yourself there to get their attention. Make sure you’re listed on search sites and social media. Consider starting a blog or online newsletter and building an email list.

You also benefit from your agent listing on fbfs.com. If people are looking for an insurance agent in your area, they can find you when they type in their ZIP code. 

How Farm Bureau Supports New Agents

When you become a Farm Bureau agent, you’re not alone. We’re one of the most well-known companies in the industry, and we have your back. You put in the hard work, and we make sure you have what you need to succeed. Our extensive training and support set us apart.

Your team includes your district manager, a marketing coach, experienced agents and more. They can share their advice about building a solid client list. They’re ready to answer your questions.

Plus, your training starts on day one and never stops. You’ll learn the best ways to build your client list, start conversations with prospects and learn about their goals. 

Are You Ready to Make a Move?

If you’re interested in becoming an insurance agent, where you can run your own business and control your financial future with the support of our decades of experience, reach out to Farm Bureau to learn more.