You’ve probably tried a number of different New Year’s resolutions over the years. Maybe you joined a gym, committed to saving money or added healthier foods to your diet.
Have you ever considered making professional New Year’s resolutions? You may want to improve your work-life balance or commit to professional development by continuing your education. You might even be asking yourself, “Should I get a new job?”
If making a professional resolution is on your to-do list this year, you’ll want to do a lot of thinking. Analyzing your current situation can help clarify what you do — and don’t — want in your job. Then, you can take steps to move in a direction that’s right for your satisfaction and success.
Take some time to answer these questions and see if a job change might be the right choice for you.
1. Why Do You Want to Make a Change?
If you feel like you want to make a change, you should start by asking yourself why. Think about what it is about your work environment that you don’t like, as well as what things you would like to keep, whether in your current job or in a new position.
You might love working as part of a team but hate your commute. Maybe your job is secure, but you feel like you don’t have enough opportunity for advancement or financial growth. Or perhaps you don’t mind the 9-to-5 life, but you want to be your own boss, in charge of your own schedule.
You might find that another position at your company or in your industry would solve the problems you have in your current job. Or, you might discover that you want to change professional paths altogether. If so, consider exploring the opportunities as a Farm Bureau Financial Services agent.
Insurance agents at Farm Bureau come from a wide range of backgrounds and industries. They are often ready to make a change because they feel:
- Bored and stuck in their current position
- Undervalued
- Micromanaged
- Unfulfilled
- Like they have limited opportunities for growth
2. What Kind of Work Do You Want to Do?
If you’re not sure what work you want to do, think about how you would like to spend your workdays. An internal audit can be an excellent place to start your job search. Your current job might not be the best match for you, but there are probably aspects of it that you enjoy. You might be even able to name a perfect position for your personal and professional goals.
Many people find they’re most satisfied and fulfilled in a position that involves:
- Working with different kinds of people
- Helping friends and neighbors
- Building a more flexible schedule
- Having support without feeling micromanaged
- Being rewarded for hard work and success
- Being seen as a leader within the community
If those are aspects you’re looking for in your career, consider a future as a Farm Bureau agent.
3. What Are Your Transferable Skills?
When you look at your education and work experience up to this point, you may think you have a very specific skill set. After all, you probably know your industry’s ins and outs and are comfortable with the jargon and processes.
You don’t need to feel locked into your current industry or profession. Take some time to think about the skills or capabilities you could transfer to another job or industry.
For example, successful salespeople usually have excellent people skills, high energy and solid sales experience, making them good candidates to sell insurance. Coaches and teachers are generally good at explaining things in a way people can understand. That could help them educate people on their insurance needs. And several of managers have the organizational skills that would help them run their own business successfully.
If you’re considering a role as a Farm Bureau agent, look over your experiences. Having these skills could help you during the transition:
- Business knowledge and acumen
- Organizational skills
- The ability to teach others
- Strong communication skills
- Computer skills
- Being coachable
- The ability to get initiatives off the ground
4. What Are You Interested In?
Whether it’s your current job or a previous position, you’ve probably had a time in your life where you’ve just worked for a paycheck without finding any joy in your job. So you know that you’re much more likely to enjoy going to work each day when it pertains to something you are genuinely interested in.
When you are invested in a cause, organization or hobby, your passions and interests can drive your success. Is it a local charity that you love? Your favorite sports team? How about your family?
With a role in insurance sales, you can have the freedom and flexibility to leverage your passions as you build your own business. At Farm Bureau, our agents are more than just insurance salespeople — they are Little League coaches, small group leaders, PTA members and so much more.
Additionally, the connections you create with your neighbors and community members when you’re engaged in activities you love can help you build the network you need to support your growing business.
5. What Are Your Core Values?
Values are the principles and beliefs that are important to you. Your values affect all aspects of your life, including your work. No matter what field you work in, if your values don’t match what you’re doing, it will be difficult to find happiness in your work.
Aligning your values with those of your work is one of the most critical aspects of your job hunt. Knowing which work values are most important to you will help you decide what jobs or professional paths suit you best. If these values match yours, consider the agent opportunity at Farm Bureau:
- Making a difference
- Impacting lives
- Building relationships
- Continuing your education
- Being recognized and rewarded for hard work
Make Your Work New Year’s Resolutions Work for You
If you’ve answered these questions and making the change to a Farm Bureau agent sounds like it might be right for you, take the next step and learn more about the opportunities we offer. The New Year is the perfect time to start your journey toward a rewarding profession.